
How to Make Body Bronzer The Easy Way

A pretty woman. How to make body bronzer the easy way
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About the author

Jinane Doughan is a professional make-up artist with a degree from the French Fashion Institute ESMOD Dubai. She specialized in natural handmade skincare and haircare products.
She shares her expertise on her YouTube channel, Jinane World, with 700+ educational videos and 135K+ subscribers.
She is an accredited Master Trainer and gives workshops at a reputed academy that has 16 branches worldwide. She offers in-depth video courses about natural skincare and haircare.


This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Use any natural skincare or haircare products at your own risk and perform a patch test before use.

Introducing our DIY recipe “How to Make Body Bronzer”. It is not for sun tanning, but to give a beautiful and discrete shimmering effect to the skin. It requires three ingredients only. We will make it as a spray to facilitate its application on the skin.

You can add fragrance to it or preferably leave it without perfume. This way you can apply the perfume that you like, let it dry and then spray the bronzer.

Items Needed

Choose high-quality ingredients to boost the effectiveness and safety of your DIY beauty products.

  • Distilled Water
  • Glycerine – Vegetable
  • Gold and bronze mica color powders. I suggest to use the gold color for a fair skin. The bronze color suits the darker skin. It is important that the mica colors are of good quality and have a shine. If you do not have mica colors, you can use an eyeshadow. Just make sure it has a shine.
  • An essential oil for fragrance (optional)
  • Preservative (e.g. phenoxyethanol)
  • Spray Bottle
Gold mica color
Gold mica color
Bronze mica color
Bronze mica color


  • 10 grams of glycerine = 0.35 ounces
  • 2 grams of mica coloring = 0.070 ounces
  • 50 milliliter of distilled water = 1.69 fluid ounces
  • 0.5 grams of phenoxyethanol preservative = 0.017 ounces

Steps: How to Make Body Bronzer

1- Put 10 grams of glycerine in a small glass bowl.

2- Add 2 grams of your preferred mica color.

3- Stir till all the mica is mixed with the glycerine.

Keep in mind that the mica does not mix with the distilled water; this is why we are mixing the mica with the glycerine first. 

This is the mix after we stirred well the glycerin and the mica color
This is the mix after we stirred well the glycerin and the mica color

4- Pour 50ml of the distilled water onto the mixture and stir well. By following this sequence, you will ensure that the mica will be fully dissolved.

5- Now is the time to add an essential oil if you wish. Don’t add much, just a drop or two.

As I mentioned in the introduction to this article, I personally prefer not to add any essential oil to the bronzer for fragrance. I prefer to use a personal perfume before applying the bronzer.

6- Now we add the preservative. For the quantity we have prepared, add 0.5 grams.

7- Slowly pour the bronzer into a spray bottle.

How to make body bronzer
Pour the bronzer into a spray bottle

8- This is our final product.

Finished body bronzer
Finished body bronzer

9- I prepared both the gold and the bronze colors.

How To Apply The Body Bronzer

Spray the bronzer on the skin and tap it with your hand. It will give a lovely and attractive glimmer without being too strong.

Check out these perfume oil articles:

Video How-To on My Channel | Jinane World

The video here demonstrates the steps explained in this article. Watch after 01m 20s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSZapcPzEms

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