
Luxurious DIY Homemade Body Scrub To Revitalize Your Skin

Luxurious body scrub. Natural and handmade.
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About the author

Jinane Doughan is a professional make-up artist with a degree from the French Fashion Institute ESMOD Dubai. She specialized in natural handmade skincare and haircare products.
She shares her expertise on her YouTube channel, Jinane World, with 700+ educational videos and 135K+ subscribers.
She is an accredited Master Trainer and gives workshops at a reputed academy that has 16 branches worldwide. She offers in-depth video courses about natural skincare and haircare.


This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Use any natural skincare or haircare products at your own risk and perform a patch test before use.

How about you pamper your skin with a luxurious homemade body scrub? With a few simple ingredients, you can make your own natural body scrub that’s just as effective as the ones sold by reputed brands. Yes! You don’t have to rely on expensive skincare brands to achieve soft and glowing skin.

In this article, we’ll show you how to make a DIY natural body scrub that’s not only affordable but also gentle on your skin. So let’s get started and unlock the secrets of achieving spa-worthy skin at home.

Work table. Luxurious homemade body butter.
Work table, in preparation to make the luxurious homemade body butter.

Ingredients Needed

  • White sugar
  • Solid cocoa butter
  • Soft shea butter
  • Ewax NF – This reduces the oily feeling of the scrub when it is applied to the skin.
  • Argan oil. This may be replaced by almond oil, jojoba oil or grapeseed oil.
  • Essential oil
  • Mica color powder
  • Phenoxyethanol preservative
  • Vitamin E

Choose high-quality ingredients to boost the effectiveness and safety of your DIY beauty products. Also, where an essential oil is included in my recipes, I utilize either of two types of essential oils: pure if added in drops, or diluted if mixed in grams—For diluted essential oil, mix 1 gram (0.035 oz) of pure essential oil with 100 grams (3.5 oz) of sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.

Tools Needed

  • Bowl
  • Alcohol spray 70%
  • Scale for measurements
  • Electric hand mixer
  • Glass jar to store the final scrub


  • 100 grams of white sugar = 3.5 oz
  • 20 grams of shea butter = 0.70 oz
  • 20 grams of cocoa butter = 0.70 oz
  • 20 grams of Ewax NF = 0.70 oz
  • 56 grams of argan oil = 1.97 oz
  • 2 grams of vitamin E = 0.07 oz
  • 4 grams of essential oil = 0.14 oz
  • 2 grams of phenoxyethanol preservative = 0.07 oz

Steps: Luxurious Homemade Body Scrub

Before we start, we make sure that our tools and equipment are clean and sanitized with alcohol spray 70%.

1- Place a bowl on the scale and put in it 20 grams of shea butter.

2- Add 20 grams of cocoa butter.

Add cocoa butter and shea butter
Add cocoa butter and shea butter

3- Add 20 grams of Ewax NF to the bowl.

4- On top of those, slowly add 56 grams of argan oil.

5- Melt the ingredients in the bowl with a hot water bath. A hot water bath is done by placing a bowl in a larger pot of hot steaming water. This will gradually melt whatever is inside the bowl without causing it to burn. As it melts, make sure to mix every now and then.

6- Once the ingredients have fully melted, place the bowl inside the freezer for about 15 minutes so that it hardens. We don’t want it to harden too much; we want to keep it soft enought that when we press a finger in, it will leave an impression, like in the image below:

After about 15m in the freezer, it is hard but still soft enough
After about 15m in the freezer, it is hard but still soft enough

7- Next, we will use an electric mixer to blend the contents to a creamy texture.

Creamy texture- First time
Creamy texture- First time

8- Now, we will repeat the freezing / blending step. Put the bowl back in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then, using the electric mixer, blend the ingredients once again so they become creamier still.

Creamy texture- Second time
Creamy texture- Second time

9- It is now time to add the color. Choose a mica color that you like, and add the powder. Mix well.

10- Add 2 grams of vitamin E.

11-Add 4 grams of essential oil. Choose the scent that you like. Mix well.

12- Add 2 grams of the phenoxyethanol preservative and mix.

13- Finally, it is time to add the white sugar. Add 100 grams of the white sugar slowly and mix well. You may add more sugar if you like the scrub texture more rough.

Add sugar
Add sugar

14- Store the completed scrub in a jar.

Our luxurious homemade body scrub
Our luxurious homemade body scrub

This homemade body scrub is as effective as the scrubs you buy from reputed brands.

For more how-to articles on natural handmade body scrubs, check out this sub-category.

Video How-To on My Channel | Jinane World

The steps to make this luxurious homemade body scrub are demonstrated in this video.

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