
Lemon Body Butter Recipe: DIY Skincare for Healthy, Glowing Skin

Lemon Body Butter Recipe
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Author: Jinane Doughan
  • Professional makeup artist with a degree from the French Fashion Institute ESMOD Dubai
  • Specializes in natural skincare and haircare
  • Accredited Master Trainer, offering workshops at a well-known academy with 16 branches
  • Provides in-depth video courses on natural skincare and haircare through her private platform
  • Shares expertise on her YouTube channel, Jinane World, with over 700 educational videos and 135K+ subscribers
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This article is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always perform a patch test before using any natural skincare or haircare products.

Looking for an all-natural way to pamper your skin? Try making your own Lemon Body Butter Recipe.

This nourishing and fragrant blend of cocoa butter, almond oil, and lemon essential oil can provide a range of benefits for your skin, from moisturizing and soothing to brightening and rejuvenating. Plus, it’s easy to make, cost-effective, and fully customizable to your skin type and preferences.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to make your own lemon body butter at home, share tips on how to use it effectively, and explore the potential benefits for your skin.

Important note: As with all skincare products containing lemon ingredients, this body butter is not suitable for sensitive skin. It can be used with all types of skin except the sensitive skin.

Lemon Body Butter Recipe. Final product
Lemon Body Butter Recipe. Final product

Ingredients Needed

  • Soft cocoa butter. The oil quantities below that we will use in our body butter are good for the soft cocoa butter. The hard cocoa butter require different oil quantities. So, for our lemon body butter recipe of today, ensure you are using the soft cocoa butter.
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Oil color. Since we are making a lemon body butter, we will use the yellow color. You can buy the oil color in liquid form or powder. In liquid form, it is ready to use. If it is powder, just mix it with a little quantity of sweet almond oil.
  • Normal lemon oil (carrier oil)
  • Lemon essential oil

Notes on Ingredients

Choose high-quality ingredients to boost the effectiveness and safety of your DIY beauty products.

When an essential oil is included, I use either pure or diluted essential oils. If using pure essential oils, use up to 2% by weight. To use diluted essential oils, mix 1 gram (0.035 oz) of pure essential oil with 100 grams (3.5 oz) of sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.

If a recipe calls for fragrance oil, you can use diluted essential oil instead to benefit from both its scent and therapeutic effects. This provides a natural alternative to synthetic fragrance oils and offers additional benefits.

Lemon Body Butter Recipe. Soft cocoa butter
Soft cocoa butter

Tools Needed

  • Scale to measure quantities
  • bowl
  • Tablespoons
  • Electric hand mixer
  • Container to store the lemon body butter

Steps: Lemon Body Butter Recipe

Ensure that your work area and your tools are clean and sanitized with medical alcohol 70%.

1- Add 100 grams (3.53 oz) of soft cocoa butter to a bowl.

DIY Lemon Body Butter - Adding the soft cocoa butter
Add soft cocoa butter

2- Melt the contents in a hot water bath (bain-marie).

A hot water bath is done by placing the bowl in a larger pot of hot steaming water. This will gradually melt whatever is inside the bowl without causing it to burn. As the contents melt, make sure to mix every now and then.

When the contents of the bowl are fully melted, take it out of the large pot and proceed to the next step.

DIY Lemon Body Butter - This is what you will see after the hot water bath
After the hot water bath

3- Add 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil.

DIY Lemon Body Butter - Adding the sweet almond oil
Adding the sweet almond oil

4- Add 1 tablespoon of lemon oil.

Note: The tablespoon I am using is 15 milliliters.

5- Mix the ingredients using a tablespoon.

6- Add 4-7 drops of yellow oil color for aesthetics and mix.

7- Put the bowl in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to make its contents somewhat harden. We don’t want them too hard.

DIY Lemon Body Butter - The hardened contents of the small bowl
The hardened contents of the small bowl

8- Use an electric hand mixer on the hardened contents for 30-50 seconds.

9- Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil and mix for 10 seconds (using the electric hand mixer).

10- Put the final product in a container and now it’s ready for use!

DIY Lemon Body Butter - All done!
Final DIY Lemon Body Butter. All done!

Usage: Lemon Body Butter Recipe

Start with having clean and dry skin. You can take a shower before applying the body butter to ensure your skin is free from oil, dirt, etc.

Take a small amount of lemon body butter and rub it between your hands to warm it up. This will make it easier to spread on your skin. Always start with a small amount and take more if required.

Gently massage and rub the body butter on your skin in circular motions. It’s a good idea to focus on areas that are dry or rough. 

Lastly, let your skin absorb the body butter, and you’re all done. You can use lemon body butter as often as you want to keep your skin feeling awesome and healthy.

Benefits: Lemon Body Butter Recipe

Some of the benefits of the lemon body butter recipe include:

  • Moisturizes dry skin: If you have dry skin, lemon body butter is a great solution for you. Because it’s rich in natural ingredients, this product can help moisturize dry and flaky skin. Using it regularly can eliminate dryness and improve hydration.
  • Improves skin tone: Lemon essential oil has skin-brightening qualities. Using lemon body butter can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and give your skin a healthy glow.
  • Protects your skin: Lemon body butter can help protect your skin from environmental factors such as UV rays and pollution.
  • Makes you feel relaxed: The scent of lemon essential oil can easily make anyone feel relaxed. Using lemon body butter as part of your skincare routine is a great way to unwind and destress yourself.

More articles on DIY body butters and creams:
How To Make Frankincense Cream
DIY Night Cream With 2 Powerful Ingredients
Soft Skin Solution: DIY Lavender Lotion with a Cream Base for Radiant Results
Create a Sensational Glow with DIY Blue Nila Body Butter
Pamper Your Skin with this DIY Lavender Body Cream with Coconut Oil and Shea Butter for a Radiant Glow
DIY Licorice Cream for Skin: Boost Your Skincare Routine
DIY Frankincense Body Butter: Transform Your Skin with this Natural Skincare Recipe

Video How-To on My Channel | Jinane World

The lemon body butter recipe is demonstrated in this video.

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