
Soft Skin Solution: DIY Lavender Lotion with a Cream Base for Radiant Results

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About the author

Jinane Doughan is a professional make-up artist with a degree from the French Fashion Institute ESMOD Dubai. She specialized in natural handmade skincare and haircare products.
She shares her expertise on her YouTube channel, Jinane World, with 700+ educational videos and 135K+ subscribers.
She is an accredited Master Trainer and gives workshops at a reputed academy that has 16 branches worldwide. She offers in-depth video courses about natural skincare and haircare.


This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Use any natural skincare or haircare products at your own risk and perform a patch test before use.

Are you tired of using lotions that just don’t seem to work for you? It’s time to try something new – and it’s easier than you think!

This guide, DIY lavender lotion with a cream base, will show you in simple terms how to make a lotion that’s perfect for your skin. Making your own lavender lotion is a fun and rewarding experience. Not only will you be able to control the ingredients that go into your lotion, but you’ll also be able to enjoy the soothing benefits of lavender essential oil.

Items Needed

Choose high-quality ingredients to boost the effectiveness and safety of your DIY beauty products.

  • Cream base. It is described as base because it is raw and pure, with no additives added to it. So it has no oils, extracts, color or fragrance added to it. It is meant to be a base to which you add your own additives to make the cream or lotion that you desire. For example, if you wish to make an anti-aging cream, you just add to it the oils and extracts that help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines like this cream here.
Cream base. Raw and pure with no additives
Cream base. Raw and pure with no additives
  • Lavender hydrosol. This is a botanical water made from the distillation of the lavender plant. It is colorless and has a lighter scent than lavender essential oil.
  • Vitamin E
  • Argan oil
  • Frankincense oil. We prepared it here
  • Avocado Oil
  • Purple oil-soluble color powder
  • Essential oil

Unit of Measurement: Gram

  • 100 grams of cream base = 3.52 ounces
  • 2-5 grams of lavender hydrosol = 0.07-0.17 ounces. See below for the proper quantity to add.
  • 5 grams of argan oil = 0.17 ounces
  • 2 grams of frankincense oil = 0.07 ounces
  • 2 grams of avocado oil = 0.07 ounces
  • 1 gram of vitamin E = 0.03 ounces
  • 3 grams of essential oil = 0.10 ounces

Steps to DIY Lavender Lotion With a Cream Base

1- In a glass beaker, measure out 100 grams of cream base.

2- Now, we will add the lavender hydrosol onto the cream base. For 100 grams of the cream base, you may add 2-5 grams of lavender hydrosol. 5g is the maximum quantity that you could add. If the cream base that you are using is rather thick, like the one I have, add 5g of the lavender hydrosol. However, if the cream base is soft, use 2 or 3g of the hydrosol. In any case, you should not exceed 5g.

3-Add 5 grams of argan oil.

4- Add 2 grams of frankincense oil into the beaker
5- Add 2 grams of avocado oil
6- Add 1 gram of vitamin E

7- Mix well

Mix the ingredients thoroughly
Mix the ingredients thoroughly

8- Now, we will add color. As mentioned above, we will use oil color powder. However, since the cream is water-based, the oil color powder will not dissolve properly and might form clumps in the final lotion. This is why we will first dissolve the oil color powder into a little quantity of argan oil in a separate bowl.

9- Add the coloring into your lotion and mix.
10- Finally, it is time for the essential oil. For 100 grams of cream base, you may add 2 grams of essential oil. 

This is our final DIY Lavender Lotion with a Cream Base.

Final product. DIY lavender lotion with a cream base
Final product. DIY lavender lotion with a cream base

Check out this article : Homemade Matcha Soap Recipe For A Dazzling Skin
And this one: DIY Matcha Body Scrub For A Healthy Skin
For more information about hydrosols: Benefits of Hydrosols

Video How-To on My Channel | Jinane World

You can see the steps explained in this article in the video below.

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