
Indigo Scrub with Sugar and Olive Oil: Revitalize Your Skin Naturally

Indigo scrub. Feature image
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About the author

Jinane Doughan is a professional make-up artist with a degree from the French Fashion Institute ESMOD Dubai. She specialized in natural handmade skincare and haircare products.
She shares her expertise on her YouTube channel, Jinane World, with 700+ educational videos and 135K+ subscribers.
She is an accredited Master Trainer and gives workshops at a reputed academy that has 16 branches worldwide. She offers in-depth video courses about natural skincare and haircare.


This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Use any natural skincare or haircare products at your own risk and perform a patch test before use.

If you’re looking for an all-natural way to revitalize your skin, look no further than this DIY Indigo Scrub. Made with blue nila powder, white sugar, and olive oil, this scrub offers a gentle exfoliation that removes dead skin cells and impurities, leaving your skin looking and feeling rejuvenated.

Indigo powder is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Combined with the nourishing benefits of olive oil and the exfoliating power of sugar, this scrub is the perfect addition to your skincare routine.

Learn how to make this easy and customizable Indigo Scrub and get ready to say hello to glowing, refreshed skin.

So, What is the Blue Nila?

Indigo powder, also known as “blue nila” or “neel,” is an ingredient that has been used in skincare for centuries, particularly in North Africa and India.

In North African countries like Morocco and Tunisia, indigo powder has been used in traditional beauty practices for its natural and sustainable properties. Women have been using it as an ingredient in beauty treatments since ancient times. In Western skincare products, indigo powder is becoming increasingly popular due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can help to soothe irritated skin and promote a more even skin tone.

Including indigo powder in a body scrub, like the Indigo Scrub with Sugar and Olive Oil, can be beneficial to slough off dead skin cells and leave the skin feeling smooth and refreshed.

By incorporating indigo powder into your skincare routine, you can enjoy the natural benefits of this powerful ingredient.

Ingredients Needed

  • White sugar
  • Olive oil. Alternatives: Coconut oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil
  • Blue nila powder (Indigo powder). Important: when you buy the blue nila powder, make sure that it is the one for skincare applications. There are types of blue nila that are used for other purposes.
  • Essential oils (we will use amber and tutti-fruity essential oils here)

Choose high-quality ingredients to boost the effectiveness and safety of your DIY beauty products. Also, where an essential oil is included in my recipes, I utilize either of two types of essential oils: pure if added in drops, or diluted if mixed in grams—For diluted essential oil, mix 1 gram (0.035 oz) of pure essential oil with 100 grams (3.5 oz) of sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.

Indigo scrub. The ingredients
The ingredients

Tools Needed

  • Measuring cups
  • Large bowl
  • Teaspoons
  • Mixing spoon/stick
  • Glass container to store the scrub

Steps: Indigo Scrub with Sugar and Olive Oil

1- Add 1 cup of white sugar to a large bowl.

Indigo scrub. Add sugar
Add sugar

2- Add a teaspoon of blue nila powder.

Indigo Scrub. Add the blue nila powder
Add the blue nila powder

3- Mix the ingredients well.

4- Add a 1/4 cup of olive oil and mix thoroughly.

Indigo Scrub. Adding the olive oil
Add the olive oil

5- Add your preferred essential oils and mix well. If you want the scrub to have a strong fragrance, add more of your essential oils.

Indigo Scrub. Add essential oils
Add essential oils

6- Transfer the contents of the bowl to a glass container of your choice for storage.

7- Pat yourself on the back for creating your very own blue Nila scrub at home!

The scrub can be used up to three months without a preservative.

How To Use: Indigo Scrub with Sugar and Olive Oil

Here are some steps on how to use the Indigo Scrub:

  1. Wet your skin with warm water to help open up the pores.
  2. Take a small amount of the scrub and apply it to your skin in circular motions, starting from your feet and working your way up.
  3. Focus on areas that tend to be rougher, such as your elbows, knees, and heels.
  4. Rinse the scrub off with warm water.
  5. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel.
  6. Follow up with a moisturizer to help hydrate your skin.

You can use this scrub once or twice a week, depending on your skin’s needs. Avoid using it on any broken or irritated skin, and be gentle when applying it to avoid causing any irritation.

Indigo scrub. Deep and rich blue
Indigo scrub. Deep and rich blue

Benefits: Indigo Scrub with Sugar and Olive Oil

Some of the potential benefits of using an Indigo Scrub with white sugar, olive oil, and essential oils:

  1. Exfoliation: The white sugar in the scrub helps to gently exfoliate your skin, removing dead skin cells and leaving your skin feeling smoother and softer.
  2. Hydration: Olive oil is a great natural moisturizer and helps to hydrate and nourish your skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple.
  3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Indigo powder has been traditionally used for its anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to calm irritated skin and reduce redness.
  4. Antioxidant Properties: Essential oils like lavender, rosemary, or tea tree are known for their antioxidant properties, which can help to protect your skin from free radical damage.
  5. Brightening: The natural blue color of the indigo powder in the scrub can help to brighten your skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots or hyperpigmentation.

Overall, using an Indigo Scrub can help to improve the appearance and texture of your skin, leaving it feeling smoother, softer, and more radiant.

For more articles on DIY natural handmade scrubs, check these out:

Video How-To on My Channel | Jinane World

The steps to make your own Indigo Scrub are demonstrated in this video.

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