How To Make Lipstick At Home The Easy Way

A woman's lipstick
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Author: Jinane Doughan
  • Professional makeup artist with a degree from the French Fashion Institute ESMOD Dubai
  • Specializes in natural skincare and haircare
  • Accredited Master Trainer, offering workshops at a well-known academy with 16 branches
  • Provides in-depth video courses on natural skincare and haircare through her private platform
  • Shares expertise on her YouTube channel, Jinane World, with over 700 educational videos and 135K+ subscribers
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This article is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always perform a patch test before using any natural skincare or haircare products.

Have you ever wondered how to make lipstick at home? Not only this can be a satisfying hobby, but it can also save you money.

Additionally, you know exactly what ingredients you are making it with. In our articles on this website and in our videos on the YouTube channel, we mostly use natural ingredients. Let’s start!

You Will Need

Choose high-quality ingredients to boost the effectiveness and safety of your DIY beauty products.

  • Shea butter
  • Cocoa butter
  • Beeswax
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Mica colors. If you do not have mica colors, you can use any eyeshadow palette. 
  • Small container for the lipstick


  • 10 grams of cocoa butter = 0.35 ounces
  • 30 grams of shea butter = 1.05 ounces
  • 50 grams of almond oil = 1.76 ounces
  • 5 grams of beeswax = 0.17 ounces

Steps On How To Make Lipstick At Home

1- In a container, add 10 grams of cocoa butter.

Cocoa butter
Cocoa butter

2- Add 30 grams of shea butter.

3- Add 50 grams of almond oil.

4- Add 5 grams of beeswax.

Adding the beeswax to the cocoa butter, the shea butter and the almond oil
Adding the beeswax to the cocoa butter, the shea butter and the almond oil

5- Using a hot water bath, melt the contents of the container. A hot water bath is done by placing a small container in a large pot of hot steaming water. This will gradually melt whatever is inside the container without causing it to burn. 

6- We are going to divide the now melted ingredients into 2 halves to test both mica coloring and eyeshadow coloring.

After melting the ingredients, we split the quantity into 2 halves
After melting the ingredients, we split the quantity into 2 halves

7- Add about half a teaspoon of the mica color to the first half of the melted ingredients. You can add more or less of the mica powder, depending on how strong you want the color to be. Mix the contents well.

Mica color
Mica color
Adding the mica color
Adding the mica color
Mixing the mica color with half of the melted ingredients
Mixing the mica color with half of the melted ingredients

8- For eyeshadow coloring, scrape as much color as needed and add the powder to the second half of the melted ingredients. Mix well.

Eyeshadow colors
Eyeshadow colors
Scrape as much eyeshadow powder as needed
Scrape as much eyeshadow powder as needed
The eyeshadow color mixes well with the melted ingredients
The eyeshadow color mixes well with the melted ingredients

9- Using a small box of 10 grams, slowly pour the lipstick in.

Pouring the lipstick
Pouring the lipstick

10- The lipstick should be left to cool down.

How To Apply

Use a lipstick brush to apply it to the lips. We could have added a bit of food flavoring to give it some taste. That is up to you!

Lipstick brush
Lipstick brush
Using the brush with the lipstick. How to make lipstick at home
Using the brush with the lipstick

If you like natural and handmade skincare and haircare products, here are some other articles to check out:

Video How-To on My Channel | Jinane World

The video here shows the steps explained in this article.

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