
How to Make Body Scrub: Discover the Enchanting Arabian Candy Scrub with Blue Nila

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About the author

Jinane Doughan is a professional make-up artist with a degree from the French Fashion Institute ESMOD Dubai. She specialized in natural handmade skincare and haircare products.
She shares her expertise on her YouTube channel, Jinane World, with 700+ educational videos and 135K+ subscribers.
She is an accredited Master Trainer and gives workshops at a reputed academy that has 16 branches worldwide. She offers in-depth video courses about natural skincare and haircare.


This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice. Use any natural skincare or haircare products at your own risk and perform a patch test before use.

In this step-by-step guide on how to make body scrub, we will unveil the enchanting Arabian Candy Scrub with Blue Nila, a magical recipe that will leave your skin feeling rejuvenated and nourished.

Get ready to indulge in a luxurious pampering experience as we reveal the secrets of this exquisite scrub. Brace yourself for a captivating blend of ingredients and discover how you can create this aromatic delight right in the comfort of your own home. Join us on this journey and unlock the secrets to a truly revitalizing body scrub.

Ingredients Needed

  • White sugar
  • Corn flour
  • Blue nila powder, specific to skincare applications. It is also known as indigo powder.
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Essential oil (I will use the sandalwood essential oil here)
  • White shampoo (we will use Pantene here)

Choose high-quality ingredients to boost the effectiveness and safety of your DIY beauty products. Also, where an essential oil is included in my recipes, I utilize either of two types of essential oils: pure if added in drops, or diluted if mixed in grams—For diluted essential oil, mix 1 gram (0.035 oz) of pure essential oil with 100 grams (3.5 oz) of sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.

Tools Needed

  • Scale to measure quantities
  • Bowl
  • Tablespoons
  • Teaspoons
  • Small bowl
  • Mold
  • Medical alcohol 70%

Prior to use, ensure that both your utensils and containers are properly cleaned and disinfected. Wash them with warm soapy water, dry with a tissue, and then sanitize by spraying with 70% medical alcohol. Wipe them clean and let them air dry before use.

Steps: How to Make Body Scrub – Arabian Candy Scrub

1- Add 8 tablespoons (around 190 grams or 6.70 oz) of white sugar to a bowl.

How to Make Body Scrub. Add white sugar
Add white sugar

2- Add 1 tablespoon (around 23 grams or 0.81 oz) of your chosen white shampoo.

How to Make Body Scrub. Add the shampoo
Add shampoo

3- Mix the ingredients well until the mixture feels like you could stretch it out.

How to make body scrub. The mix can be stretched out
The mix can be stretched out

4- Now, we will add corn flour. Add 1 tablespoon and mix well.

How to make body scrub. Add 1st tablespoon of corn flour
Add 1st tablespoon of corn flour

5- Add 1 more tablespoon of corn flour and again mix well.

Note: Don’t add all the corn flour in one go. Add it one tablespoon at a time as mentioned in steps 4 and 5, and mix thoroughly in between.

6- Now, it’s time to prepare the blue nila mix. In a separate small bowl, add a 1/2 teaspoon of blue nila powder.

How to Make Body Scrub. Add blue nila powder to a separate bowl
Add blue nila powder to a separate bowl

7- Add 3 grams (0.11 oz) of wheat germ oil.

How to make body scrub. Add blue nila powder and wheat germ oil in a separate small bowl
Add blue nila powder and wheat germ oil in a separate small bowl

8- Mix the blue nila powder and the wheat germ oil well.

9- Pour the blue nila mix over the main ingredients in the larger bowl.

How to make body scrub. Pour the blue nila mix over the main ingredients in the large bowl
Pour the blue nila mix over the main ingredients in the large bowl

10- Mix the contents well.

How to make body scrub. Stir the ingredients well
Mix the ingredients well

11- Add 10 drops of your chosen essential oil and mix well.

12- Add 1 more tablespoon of corn flour and mix well (so far, we have added a total of 3 tablespoons of corn flour).

Use your hands to knead the dough-like contents. The idea is to obtain a thick consistency to allow shaping the scrub as you wish. When you knead the mixture with your hands, you can feel whether you need more corn flour to thicken it more. If so, add more corn flour.

How to Make Body Scrub. Add more corn flour if necessary
Add more corn flour if necessary to achieve thick consistency

13- Put the scrub contents into a mold of your choice.

How to Make Body Scrub. Put the scrub mix in a mold
Put the scrub mix in a mold

14- Wait 24 hours to allow the candy scrub to dry and harden. Then, remove it from the mold.

15- Your new Arabian Candy Scrub is now ready!

How to Make Body Scrub. Final product
Arabian Candy Scrub

How To Use: Arabian Candy Scrub

Once you have prepared your captivating Arabian Candy Scrub with Blue Nila, follow these simple steps to indulge in its luxurious benefits.

  1. Begin by retrieving the dried and hardened scrub. Hold it in your hands and apply a generous amount of water to it. The moisture will gradually soften the scrub, preparing it for use.
  2. As the scrub softens, gently spread it across your skin. The addition of shampoo in the recipe helps create a lathering effect, enhancing the overall cleansing experience.
  3. With the scrub evenly spread on your skin, it’s time to activate its exfoliating powers. Using gentle circular motions, start to rub the scrub onto your skin. This motion will help remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and promote a healthy glow.
  4. Pay extra attention to rough areas or areas that require extra exfoliation, such as elbows, knees, or feet. Take your time and enjoy the sensation as the scrub works its magic.
  5. Once you have thoroughly scrubbed your skin, rinse off the remaining residue with warm water. Feel the smoothness and radiance that this enchanting scrub leaves behind.

Remember, this delightful Arabian Candy Scrub with Blue Nila is a treat for both your senses and your skin. Incorporate it into your skincare routine and enjoy the luxurious experience it provides, leaving you with soft, rejuvenated, and glowing skin.

Benefits: Arabian Candy Scrub

Indulging in the enchanting Arabian Candy Scrub with Blue Nila brings forth a plethora of benefits for your skin. Let’s explore the unique advantages offered by the carefully selected ingredients in this delightful body scrub:

  1. Exfoliation and Skin Renewal: The combination of white sugar and corn flour acts as natural exfoliants, gently sloughing away dead skin cells and impurities. This process helps to renew and rejuvenate your skin, leaving it smoother and more radiant.
  2. Nourishment and Moisture: Wheat germ oil, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, deeply nourishes and moisturizes your skin. It helps to restore the skin’s natural moisture balance, leaving it soft, supple, and hydrated.
  3. Aromatic Bliss and Relaxation: The addition of sandalwood essential oil provides a luxurious and soothing aroma. Known for its calming properties, it can help relieve stress and promote relaxation during your skincare routine.
  4. Cleansing and Clarifying: The inclusion of shampoo contributes to the cleansing and clarifying properties of the scrub. It helps to remove dirt, excess oil, and impurities, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and purified.
  5. Gentle yet Effective: The formulation of this body scrub ensures a gentle yet effective exfoliation experience. The sugar and corn flour provide a mild scrubbing action, suitable for various skin types, including sensitive skin.
  6. Improved Skin Texture: Regular use of this body scrub can lead to improved skin texture over time. The exfoliating action helps to smoothen rough areas, refine pores, and promote a more even skin tone, unveiling a youthful and vibrant complexion.
  7. Spa-like Experience at Home: By creating and using this DIY body scrub, you can enjoy a spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. Treat yourself to a pampering session that not only cares for your skin but also uplifts your senses.

With the combination of these beneficial ingredients, the Arabian Candy Scrub with Blue Nila offers a multi-faceted approach to skincare. Embrace its nourishing, cleansing, and revitalizing properties to reveal a radiant and refreshed you.

For more articles on DIY scrubs, check these out:

Video How-To on My Channel | Jinane World

The steps to make your own Arabian Candy Scrub are demonstrated in this video.

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